Mumford and Sons: “Sigh no more”

Love; it will not betray you
Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be

There is a design, an alignment to cry
Of my heart to see,
The beauty of love as it was made to be


There are so many times where Mumford and Sons has made an impact in my life. Every song has a special meaning almost. When I was still in Library School I was working in the Interlibrary Loan department and part of my job was to roam around and collect books to loan to other libraries. I would put in my headphones and jam out to a variety of music. I never went a day without listening to Mumford and Sons at some point. Getting lost in the stacks was one of the best parts of my life in library school. Not only do these songs remind me of roaming the stacks, but a lot of the time they remind me of things that were going on in my life at the time too. This specific song, “sigh no more” reminds me of the days when I was living on Gales with my roommate and spending my nights with that silly boy. It could have been a day when he fell asleep holding my hand or playing with my hair while we watched a movie. Those were some of my favorite times. I miss them. I miss that house (not mowing the yard though!). I miss him. I miss us. But it is true that love will set you free. I have made determinations in my life to incorporate more love for people into my life. I’m tired of the negative holding me down. Love will set me free and that is the one thing that I can take from this song, forever and always.


I wrote this, and will probably write more than one on this topic, for the weekly writing challenge. You can find it here:

About simplysouthern83

I am a 31 year old, opinionated girl from North Carolina. Well educated and currently a professor. Welcome to my weight loss journey blog. I'm changing things up and using this to keep myself accountable!
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